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HOUSES ON CHARLES HAMILTON STREET Location: Estoril Street, Las Condes, Santiago Architect: Enrique Browne C. Collaborators: Roberto Fernández, Alex Moreno, Bernardo Onfray, Vicente Rodríguez Structural Engineer: Del Sol, Vogel and Mujica Construction: Brotec Plot Area: 2.700 sq. mt. each one Total floor area:140 sq.mt Since then both houses have been expanded several times Photography Credits: Felipe Fontecilla, Luis Poirot, Enrique Browne Project Date: 1974 The houses are in terrains planted with pear trees, aligned every six meters. It was required that the houses be integrated into the terrain and the scenery while maintaining, as much as possible, the fruit trees. As a matter of facts they resist 35 years more. A design starting from intermediate spaces was opted for. Thus, a system of parrones based on a wooden lattice supported by brick pillars every three meters (half of the distance between the trees). These parrones (a tradition in Central Chile) penetrate among the fruit trees and form the exterior spaces. Their partial or total closure gives rise to the more interior spaces, thus creating a range of environments that graduate the transition from the interior towards the exterior (living spaces, corridors, parrones and others). This system also easily absorbs changes or expansions.